This Schedule E sets out the specific terms that will apply to you when using the copy trading functionality on the Aistocks platform. The terms in this Schedule E apply to you in addition to the General Terms and Conditions, which apply to all of our services and not just to copy trading. Capitalised words in this Schedule E will have the same meaning which are given to those word in the General Terms and Conditions. If a term of this Schedule E conflicts with or differs from a term in the General Terms and Conditions, this Schedule E will apply.

  1. What is copy trading


  • When using the copy trading services, you are agreeing to use our investment management services.
  • The Aistocks platform provides you with the ability to interact, follow and copy other traders, strategies and/or portfolios by using the information, as well as providing you with “social trading features“. Social trading features include detailed account information, trading histories, risk profiles, and other information in relation to Aistocks traders, strategies and/or portfolios that may be useful to you when deciding whether to copy such Aistocks trader, strategy and/or portfolio.
  • Copy trading is a trading functionality which allows you to copy the account of other traders. You do this by either copying a specific Aistocks trader account or copying a portfolio (we explain what this means below). By placing a copy order, you authorise us to automatically recreate this account for you in your Aistocks account without any prior consultation, consent or approval. This will be done on a pro rata basis with the same products and the same trading instructions (unless such action would be in contravention of Applicable Law). For example, we may start copy trading, stop copy trading and/or pause the copying of the copied trader, account, portfolio and/or strategy and set limits to any position etc.
  1. Our copy trading service


  • We offer a copy service which allows you to copy trades on the Aistocks platform in two ways:
  • CopyTrader: where you can choose to copy the orders in an account of a single Aistocks trader.

For more information, please refer to paragraph 8 – “Placing an order“; and

  • CopyPortfolio: where you can choose to copy an account which contains a portfolio of products and/or traders. Some portfolios are designed by us, and some are designed by third parties. Each portfolio will have certain profiles and parameters which may be set either manually or by using certain algorithms.

More information about our copy trading functionality is available on our website.

  • We may update or amend the structure and/or composition of a strategy under the CopyPortfolio functionality at our discretion, without notifying you. This is called “re-balancing“.
  1. Classification of trade


  • The copy trade service may result in trades in a number of financial instruments. Each trade opened on your behalf as part as the CopyTrader or CopyPortfolio functionalities will usually be classified under the same asset class as classified in the copied account.
  • If you are restricted from trading a certain asset class or specific product due to Applicable Law, other regulatory requirements or any other reason at Aistocks’s sole discretion, then we may take reasonable steps, where permitted by Applicable Law and where our service enables this at our sole discretion, to ensure that an equivalent or similar trade is opened in your account to replace the restricted trade. If we replace a trade for you, we cannot guarantee that the risk rating and economic performance of the replacement trade will match that of the restricted trade. Where in our sole discretion we do not replace a trade with an equivalent or similar trade for any reason your economic performance, portfolio composition, risk rating and other factors relating to your portfolio may deviate from that of the Aistocks trader or CopyPortfolio being copied.
  • If we are unable to accept or execute your copy order because we are restricted from allowing you to trade a certain asset class or a specific product which forms part of the copy order we will, if reasonably possible, not execute the impacted part of the copy order, and execute the non-impacted part of the copy order. If execution in this manner is not possible, we would not execute the copy order in its entirety. Examples of when we may be restricted from allowing you to trade include, if the copy order results in you trading during off-market hours and we do not support this for the copy order, and/or if trading in the asset class or specified product which forms part of the copy order is restricted or prohibited by Applicable Law, sanctions, anti-money rules and by any other applicable regulatory, self- regulatory or governmental authority. In such an event, the copy order or impacted part of the copy order (as applicable) will not be subject to this Schedule E and the regulatory status detailed herein.
  • You should read the General Terms and Conditions and the Schedule which applies to the underlying instrument for more information.
  1. Regulatory status of the copy trading service and suitability assessment


  • Our copy trading functionality may amount to a form of discretionary investment management. This means that, before you can engage in copy trading, we are required by law to assess whether copy trading is a suitable investment tool for you and under what conditions (the “Suitability Assessment“). The result of the Suitability Assessment is determined by information and documents provided to us by you, which you can update at any time.
  • We will establish your investment profile on the basis of your Suitability Assessment, and your ability to enter into copy trades may be limited by your Suitability Assessment. If we determine that copy trading is not a suitable investment tool for you, then you will not be permitted to access the copy trading functionalities of the Aistocks platform. We are not liable for any losses that you suffer as a result of providing false or misleading information as part of your Suitability Assessment, including where this leads to us creating an inaccurate investment profile for you.
  • Please also refer to clause 3 of the General Terms and Conditions for more information on the way in which we assess suitability.
  1. Limitations to our copy trading service


  • We do not provide personalised investment recommendations, investment advice, tax related advice or other financial related advice of any kind. Any explanation or information which we give to you as part of a copy trade, or about the performance of the copy trade is not intended to be and should not be considered as advice. This information is provided by us solely for informational purposes.
  • You should use any information gathered from our website or social trading features as a starting point for your own independent research and investment decision making. However, you should not make investment decisions based on information provided on the Aistocks platform or Aistocks Community.
  • We will take reasonable steps to monitor the performance of any copied trader under the CopyTrader functionality, as well as the performance of the different trading strategies and portfolios under the CopyPortfolio functionality. We reserve the right to pause, stop, or block:
  • any Aistocks trader from being copied under the CopyTrader functionality; and
  • any portfolio of trading strategy from being copied under the CopyPortfolio functionality.
  1. The key risks of copy trading


  • In making a decision to copy a specific trader or traders, strategy and/or portfolio, you should consider your financial situation, including your financial commitments. You should understand that copy trading is highly speculative and that you could sustain significant losses exceeding the amount used to copy a trader or traders as a result of the following:
  • it will involve automated trading execution whereby trades are opened and closed in your account without your manual intervention;
  • if you manually modify or close an order generated by the CopyTrader functionality, you may achieve a materially different result than the trader that you copied;
  • copied trades in amounts lower than the minimum trade will not be opened;
  • if you are copying all trades which are currently open, we will open your position at the best available price at the time of copying and not the price at the time which the trade being copied was originally opened;
  • cash-out and withdrawals by the copied trader, strategy and/or portfolio when you are using the CopyTrader/CopyPortfolio functionality may also generate a materially different result than the trader that you copied as it may affect the copy trading proportions. This is due to a number of different factors including starting account balance, minimum trade size, the investor’s account settings, differences in spread, interest and investment price at time of investment, and also the difference in fees that may be incurred;
  • following/copying the trading decisions of inexperienced and/or unprofessional traders;
  • following/copying traders whose ultimate purpose or intention, or financial status may differ from yours; and/or
  • following and/or copying traders who trade, or CopyPortfolios which include, products restricted as a result of Applicable Law in relation to your account and where a replacement equivalent trade cannot be executed may result in the economic performance, portfolio composition, risk rating and other factors relating to your portfolio deviating from the portfolio of the copied trader or the CopyPortfolio.
  • We are unable to provide any guarantee as to the performance of any particular investment, account, portfolio or strategy. Please refer to the Schedule which applies to the underlying product that you are copying for more information on the risks associated with trading that product.
  • Past performance, risk scores, statistics and any other information with respect to Aistocks traders under our CopyTrader and/or CopyPortfolio functionality, or of different portfolios and trading strategies under our CopyPortfolio functionality are not reliable indicators of future performance. We do not represent or guarantee that you will achieve profits or losses similar to those shown on the Aistocks trader or portfolio that you are copying. We also do not represent or guarantee that the risk score of a trader will accurately reflect the risk of their future performances.
  • Please refer to clause 5 of the General Terms and Conditions for more information on the key risks of using our services.
  1. Conflicts of interest


  • We are required to act in your best interest when providing our services. However, there may be instances where your interest conflicts with our interests, or with another client’s interest. For example, with respect to copy trading, we may compensate popular Aistocks traders who you and/or others have elected to follow and/or copy.
  • Please refer to clause 7 of the General Terms and Conditions for more information on the conflicts of interest that may apply to our services.
  1. Placing an order


  • Before you enter into the copy trade, you will need to allocate the amount of money you would like to put towards that copy trade. Such amount shall be allocated in transactions at the same proportion as it is allocated in the copied account. We will then automatically execute that order for you, which means we will not obtain your confirmation before we do this. The opening of such transactions shall not require any prior consultation, consent or approval. Trades below the minimum trade amount shall not be opened.
  • There are a number of order restrictions when copy trading, including on the minimum and maximum amount that can be invested in any Aistocks trader or portfolio that you copy, the minimum amount on any single copy trade, and the maximum number of traders that you can copy. The full restrictions are listed on our website.
  • When you are using our CopyTrader service, you can choose to copy:
  • all trades which are currently open in a certain account as well as new trades which are opened after you begin to copy the trader in such account; or
  • only new trades which are opened after you begin to copy the trader’s account. This means that we will not copy any trades in the trader’s account which were entered into before this point.
  • When you are using our CopyPortfolio service, the copy trading functionality only permits you to copy both existing and new trades.
  • Notwithstanding paragraph 2, if you are copying all trades which are currently open, we will open your position at the best available price at the time of copying and not the price at the time which the trade being copied was originally opened. If the relevant markets are closed at the time of copying (for example during a market break) we will open a market order for you and once the market reopens, your order will be executed at the first available price.
  • Notwithstanding paragraph 2, if you are copying only new trades:
  • we will open your positions at the same time as the trades being copied; and
  • all instructions and actions related to the copied trade will automatically be replicated in your Aistocks account (subject to the trade size as explained above), including stop losses, take profits and the closing of trades. For example, if a trader that you are copying extends their stop loss by adding more funds to their account then your stop loss will be adjusted automatically to reflect this. However, your position amount will remain the same as its initial amount.
  • The copy trading service has a number of other functionalities that we may make available to you from time to time. However, we may add, remove, or change the availability and features of these functionalities, at our discretion. This may impact how you can use the copy trading service on our platform, for example whether you can copy all trades or only new trades of a trader or a portfolio.
  1. Fees and costs


  • When you place a copy trade, we will charge you fees on the same basis as those charged to the copied account for the same trades. Please refer to the Schedule which applies to the underlying product that you are copying for more information on the fees and costs associated with that copy trade.
  • Please also refer to clause 21 of the General Terms and Conditions for more information on our fees and costs.
  1. Our rights and your rights in special circumstances


Please refer to the Schedule which applies to the underlying product that you are copying for more information on our rights and your rights in special circumstances, as well as Part 3 of the General Terms and Conditions.

  1. Liability


Subject to Applicable Law, neither Aistocks nor any affiliates or associate third parties will be liable for any losses arising from:

  • actions taken by us in order to carry out your written or spoken instructions;
  • decisions or actions taken by an Aistocks trader that you have chosen to copy, including in connection with Portfolios; and/or
  • specific investment decisions or actions taken or omitted in good faith by any copied account strategy or portfolio, including portfolios controlled by us.