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What is the AIstock Club?

The AIstock Club was created to show appreciation to our valued clients. Membership is divided into five tiers, each with its own premium perks and exclusive features. The higher the membership tier, the more offers are available to you.

How do I become a member?

There’s no need to apply for AIstock Club membership. All current AIstock members are bronze tier, which is not part of the Club. Once you meet the following equity requirements, you are automatically* granted access to the appropriate tier:

For more information on how to qualify for Club membership click here:

What do members of the AIstock Club enjoy?

  • Exceptional Service

    Personalized assistance, including valuable insights to help you get the most from your AIstock Club experience. Additionally, Silver, and above Club members have the option to receive assistance via WhatsApp.

  • Financial Advantages

    Lower fees & other discounts, exclusive rewards, plus an AIstock Money account & debit card offering market-leading FX rates.

    * Available in select regions
  • Valuable Resources
    Exclusive access to live webinars and hand-picked partner platforms to help you make smart investment decisions.
  • Complimentary Subscriptions

    Access leading digital financial publications with premium financial content.

  • Exclusive VIP Events

    Attend some of the fintech industry’s top events as our special guest and receive complimentary tickets to sporting and cultural events.
